“A Provocative Men’s Anthology of Praise and Persuasion to be found in “Edgar & Lenore’s Publishing House Presents: Men in the Company of Women”.
“Nod is Ney Princesses”, “Bow Chica Wow Wow”, and “Woman Is Not a Flower” will be included in a followup anthology In The Company of Woman both books curated/collected/edited by the fine minds of Apryl Skies & Alicia Winski look forward to your support, readership, and reviews.
It is with extreme gratitude, humility, honor, & privilege to address this ageless subject in the fine company of passionate writers. Tell a Friend. Word of mouth is the wildfire that kindles sparkes ignites a heart to seek to outshine the sun. G-d Bless the women and girls in my life future past present.
Let History Show that women are more than just the to be beheld or the subject, object ,helpmate, And/or muse to Another. Women are blessed, gifted, talented, disciplined, queens, cooks, dreamers, doers, thinkers, photographers, nude models, painters, artists, directors, video gamers, musicians, librarians, poets, actresses, athletes, teachers, doctors, astronauts, mothers, wives…oops eye candy :O
all esteem all respect all thanks Vox Anon
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