“Written poetry is worth reading once, and then should be destroyed. Let the dead poets make way for others.” Antonin Artaud p.s. OMG Not this time.
Poetry: Readers, Lovers, Hoarders,
Apryl & Alicia of Edgar & Lenore’s Publishing House volcanic release followup volume of poetry collection to “IN THE COMPANY OF WOMAN” with “MEN IN THE COMPANY OF WOMEN”. I am offering la petite review. KA BOOM! The book is monolithic, complex, & concave with depths of chiaroscuros & heights of glossolalia. Gender divides of Edenic proportions come together for this work of love. The poems will leave a mark on you like unwanted lipstick or wanted tattoo. Enjoy. I am quite sure thee lady creators/prime movers of this project will reveal all secrets of slaying dragons with pens for a living by the end of this collection. She wizardist, avant gardist, keepers of breakers of sweeter of this gender candy taboo. Geisha cover to die for! “MEN IN THE COMPANY OF WOMEN”. Choirs of Angels will sing praise for this collection, ok that might not happen in fact maybe demons/devils might,; i kid.
This is the followup collection a volume two:
http://www.amazon.com/In-The-Company-Women-Anthology/dp/057810248X/ref=pd_sim_b_2 &
Poetry not Tweets. Poetry is not Rap. Poetry is no Fortune Cookie. It is not l337. Poetry is a vital arcane & uniquely alive. In face, Poetry used to be one of the five fine arts along with painting, sculpture, architecture, & music. Today post modern & pop culture make time to rewrite history instead of respecting this true art form which is disaplyed over these two volumes composed by EAP. Tsk Tsk or No keep it alive,,,Urgent & unhurried i ask you to beg buy borrow steal this tall dark & “Men in the Company Of Women” today. Now. Forever. Twilight.
Please check out the XY brains behind the In the Company of Women books & […]. The beauties & the beholders await your reply.
THANKS in advance for your support.
Vox Anon aka The Unicorn Man aka Hello Killy
5.0 out of 5 stars